OVVI Frozen Yogurts POS System


“A Merchant Account with Direct Processing Network is required for this product.”

In the bustling and competitive world of dessert bars, maintaining an edge is paramount. Your customers demand the best in service, accuracy, and consistency, and you require a point-of-sale system that can keep pace. Enter the OVVI Frozen Yogurts POS System – a dedicated and meticulous solution tailored to meet every nuance of your dessert bar’s needs.

Why Weighing Accuracy is a Must

Frozen desserts, especially yogurts, often come with pricing intricacies. From different flavors to toppings and mix-ins, the right price calculation is pivotal not just for your profits, but for customer satisfaction as well. OVVI’s precision-centric approach, backed by its advanced Weigh Scale, ensures that no product ever goes unaccounted.

Effortless Scanning and Weighing

Integration of weighing and scanning in one interface reduces errors and streamlines the checkout process. With OVVI’s scanner interface, you can:

  • Flawlessly scan and weigh multiple products simultaneously.
  • Seamlessly weigh produce & meat without switching systems.
  • Read price or weight embedded barcodes, perfect for meat markets and delis.

Building Loyalty: More Than Just a Sale

A transaction is not just about exchanging products for money. It’s about building a relationship. The Loyalty Points feature is crafted to foster this bond. By allowing:

  • Creation of multiple coupon code offers.
  • Customization of the duration and offer amount.
  • Flexibility in setting a percentage, amount off, or giveaway offers.

You are not just ensuring repeated business but creating brand ambassadors out of your regular patrons.

Data-Driven Decisions with Online Reporting

In today’s age, knowledge is power. Understanding your business’s intricacies, backed by data, can be the difference between success and stagnation. OVVI’s customizable dashboards empower you by offering:

  • KPI – Key Performance Indicator Reports: Understand your business’s pulse, know what’s working and what needs attention.
  • Sales Detail Report: Get granular with your sales, analyze trends, and plan inventory.
  • Sales Summary Reports: Quick snapshots to gauge performance at a glance.
  • Product Mix Report: Know your stars and underperformers, refine your offerings.
  • Top 10 Selling Items: Spotlight on what your customers love the most.

The OVVI Frozen Yogurts POS System is more than just a tool. It’s a partner that understands your business’s needs and aspirations. With impeccable weighing accuracy, loyalty building features, and a plethora of reporting options, it’s the edge you’ve been seeking.

Unlock the full potential of your frozen yogurt business by scheduling a OVVI Frozen Yogurts POS System Demo or obtaining a quote today! Reach out to our dedicated team via our toll-free number at 1-855-955-6111 or drop us an email at [email protected]. We’re here to ensure your success!